Krista Rodgers Krista Rodgers

5 Ways to Ground Your Energy

Center yourself with these tips.

Feeling anxious, depressed, worried, or nervous? These emotions can often signal that we need to get into the present moment and out of a cycle of thoughts or behaviors. Here are 5 ways that you can send this tension from your body to Gaia where this can be transmuted and leave your body feeling lighter.

  1. Go stand in the grass. Send the energy down into the earth.

  2. Breathe deeply, sitting with your legs criss-crossed and your hands face down on your knees.

  3. Listen to music that resonates with you.

  4. Move your body in a way that feels good to you in the moment. You can do yoga, go for a walk, dance, run. If you’re feeling confused, ask your body what it wants.

  5. Create something. Draw. Paint. Play your guitar. Write your feelings down. This will be the hardest one to do while you’re triggered, so try a few of the suggestions above first to get your body out of reactive mode and moved toward feeling centered.

Do you have questions or is there something that worked for you? Let us know!


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