Dear, sweet, you,
I’m so glad you’re here.
We can get caught up in the trap of service at the expense of our selves and authenticity.
We are taught, from a very early age, that we are to repress our anger, sacrifice for others, be pleasing— until we are completely and utterly wiped out.
Adrenal fatigue, anxiety, depression, or autoimmune issues may soon follow.
We awake from our lives of being asleep to the truth. We are more than we ever knew or gave ourselves credit for.
Where do you go from there? How do you build community around your healing?
In 2015, I was going through the dark night of the soul that would lead to my awakening and my healing journey. I lost all my community at that time and build it from the ground up.
We’re here. You’re here. Let’s do the work.
xo, Krista